By Chris B. Bennett, The Seattle Medium
Seattle Public Schools’ Department of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) recently received the generous financial support of Seattle’s Philanthropic community to help the department fulfill its mission to ensure Seattle Public Schools has the culture, conditions, competencies, and community connections in place for all Black and African American boys and young male students to be successful.
In partnership with the Alliance for Education, a non-profit organization committed to advancing educational justice and racial equity for students in Seattle Public Schools (SPS), AAMA was able to secure $1.86 million in initial funding from local philanthropic organizations to support the department.
Seattle Public Schools is the first district in Washington state, and one of a few across the nation, to create and house a department that intentionally invests in the cultural and academic strengths of African American male students while simultaneously addressing their specific needs. The Alliance for Education secured the funding for the Department through contributions from multiple leading philanthropic organizations committed to supporting K-12 education, including: Amazon, Raikes Foundation, Ballmer Group, The Satya and Rao Remala Foundation, The Boeing Company, Seattle Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Kaiser Permanente, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The John Stanford Fund, Microsoft Corporation, Tabor 100, and the Nesholm Family Foundation
The initiative, first set to be announced at the Alliance for Education luncheon in March 2020, but postponed due to COVID-19, engaged more philanthropic partners and raised more funds than any other single fundraising effort the Alliance has undertaken to support innovation at Seattle Public Schools.
According to Lisa Chick, President and CEO of the Alliance for Education, the initial goal of the investment was $3 million to support the department over the span of three years. However, because many of the organizations they received funding from provide funding year to year, the long-range goal is attainable, but not yet fully in place and secured.
“It has been inspiring to see Seattle’s philanthropic community come together in support of the Department of African American Male Achievement,” said Chick. “We’re delighted so many partners stepped up to support a sustained and collaborative campaign reimagining how we educate and support Seattle’s Black youth.”
Dr. Mia Williams, AAMA’s Executive Director, agrees and believes that the funding will go a long way to help reduce disparities and set new standards of excellence for Black males.
“Seattle has the very strong legacy of really supporting the Black community,” said Williams. “I’m just thrilled [with the level or support that we have received so far] and I hope that others will want to support this effort.”
According to Williams, the funding will not only support some of the foundational components of the department, but it will also provide funding for three African American male achievement mentorship coordinators, two African American male achievement family support specialists, and to sustain “and hopefully expand” the Seattle Kingmakers program, a partnership with the City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning that focuses on positive racial identity development, mentoring and leadership skills, which is currently housed in four Seattle Public Schools.
“The Department of African American Male Achievement is a strategic driver in rebuilding our public education system to intentionally uplift the inherent strength, brilliance, creativity, and potential of our Black students,” said SPS Superintendent Denise Juneau. “We are committed to deeply partnering with our Black students, families, and community to create a better system – one that ensures Black students thrive and have every opportunity to achieve their dreams. We are so grateful for this significant investment from the philanthropic community and the Alliance for Education.”
In August 2019, the Alliance redesigned its strategy and mission to specifically focus on addressing inequities in the local educational system, and has been engaging in outreach and education with philanthropic organizations since to build a fund in support of the Department of AAMA. This investment, according to Chick, directly aligns with the Alliance for Education’s mission.
“Racial inequities have been part of our country’s history since 500 years ago, and it has plagued our public school system forever,” says Chick. “We know all of our students have the capacity and have the ability to succeed, and they need the tools and support that will get them to where they’re going.”
“I’m super excited about the fund,” added Chick. “I feel encouraged that the district has rolled up its sleeves to really dig in on racial equity and how they can support Black excellence specifically for our Seattle Public Schools.
According to SPS, the Department of AAMA will begin its work by first engaging in listening and learning sessions with students, families, and the broader community in the coming months. These conversations will set the foundation for development of a multi-year work plan, and bring to the district and community’s efforts focused on the advancement and achievement of Black male students.
Williams notes that it’s important for SPS not to build something so critical to the plight of African Americans without the input and support of the Black community.
“It is critical that AAMA lives out the pledge ‘Nothing for us without us,’ by elevating the voices and experiences of our Kings, families, elders, and the Black community. Each voice needs to be a part of decision making,” said Dr. Mia Williams, AAMA’s Executive Director.
“I really want to make sure that I’m not bringing my own agenda,” added Williams. “I’m really trying to elevate our Black King’s voices, and like I said, the elders, Black families, and Black-led organizations in the community need to be the decision-makers in developing, and re-imagining what Seattle Public Schools needs to look like, and so these dollars are really going to allow us to do that.”
The Department of AAMA critically examines Seattle Public Schools’ systemic practices through a racial equity lens to assess and build capacity for the system to better engage, empower and educate young Black male students. Through the AAMA program, educators, thought leaders, and students are directly addressing anti-Black institutional and structural racism by creating educational systems, structures, and spaces that advance success for all African American male students at SPS.
“We wholeheartedly support the AAMA in its efforts to disrupt the racist systems that limit the personal potential and success of our Black sons and brothers. This important work is everyone’s work. Together our community must develop a unified vision for our Black boys and young men that breaks down the current system and builds a new one that ensures that every student thrives,” said Michelle Merriweather, President and CEO of the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle. “Our work won’t be complete until that vision is reality.”
Earlier this year the department launched the AAMA Student Leadership Council (SLC). SPS students serve on the SLC to help guide the department’s work, give meaningful input from their own perspectives, influence major district initiatives, and help hold the district accountable. Students have already been deeply engaged in responding to school building closures and in planning for next school year.
“AAMA has helped encourage me to speak the truth without hesitation, even if it makes someone uncomfortable to hear my truth. It made me more confident and more powerful in how I can help my school do better for other Black students. AAMA has helped me be more proud of my skin,” said Trevon Mitchell, rising 10th grader at Cleveland High School.
The Alliance for Education has an unwavering commitment to Seattle’s students and educators. The organization will continue to engage stakeholders and the philanthropic community to advance educational justice and racial equity in Seattle Public Schools, and invites the community, families, and students to join in ongoing efforts to sustain and ensure the excellence of the Department of African American Male Achievement.
“I’ve been working in the field of education since I started my career and I’ve worked on a lot of great projects. I have to say, this is one of the projects I’m most proud of,” says Chick. “It is a meaningful contribution to really try and make a difference on how do we support Black excellence in Seattle Public Schools. So, I’m thrilled to have been a part of it and hope to see more progress in the months and years ahead.”